The Independent State Store Union (ISSU)
*** ISSU Managers — To distribute valuable information as quickly as possible, we have established an email database of ISSU-only managers to receive important information and legislative updates. Due to time limitations beyond our control, some information will only be shared by email.
If you are currently a part of the M2 bargaining unit and would like to receive informational emails, let us know by forwarding your request to [email protected] or calling 1-800-692-4778. Government-owned email addresses including those ending in will not be accepted. This will allow us to quickly share information with as many managers as possible. Once you leave the M2 bargaining unit, the database will be updated, and your email address will be removed.
The Independent State Store Union (ISSU) is the oldest continuous independent union representing state store managers working in the Pennsylvania state store system. As a democratic employee union defending the rights of state store managers against PLCB management, our mission is:
- To organize all persons employed by the Commonwealth through the PLCB as ISSU may deem appropriate into a strong democratic union.
- To preserve, protect and improve Civil Service status.
- To work for an alcohol policy for Pennsylvania that creates an environment for the state store system to flourish for the common good of all the citizens in the Commonwealth.
- To advance the welfare of all members of ISSU.
- To promote efficiency in government service and improve working conditions, hours, terms and conditions of employment.
- To promote favorable and oppose unfavorable legislation.